Sunday 31 March 2013


Why did i never believe what everyone said? Why did i turn deaf ears to all those who mattered a lot to me? While what they said- some of it was right but then there was something in me which made me believe in my decision, my thought. Is it true that i have been seeing only seeing the good and refused to hear the “Devil’s advocates”? But still the positive thought hasn’t vanished- it lingers, though not in same tempo. I am more careful, more watchful and still trying to decipher- why was i unable to see the ulterior motives of people?


Time has flown! Its been a journey of 4 years with a company, where i never wanted to land. A company which me a given me a good base to start, good exposure to shape my career.

1st year went in just trying to prove my worth to people, who thought i was a blonde- Welcoming colleagues, who were more as mentors to a new insider. Dreams lived, life enjoyed, new phase to try all the “Forbidden fruits”. 2nd year went in fighting as an honest person, trying to do something which wasn’t me and finding a friend at office. 3rd year proved an experience of jubilation and a year of discovering myself. 4th year being the toughest, oscillating between people, understanding their intentions and realising my own self....

Years of learning which have shown the true corporate world- with less well wishers, more competitors, questionable decisions, gaps within teams. Years hav e changed and so have I - Trying to do something which was never me. 

Sunday 24 March 2013


It’s been said, on the first day of their marriage, wife and husband decided and agreed not to open the door for anyone! On that day first, husband’s parents came to see them, they were behind the door. Husband and the wife looked at each other, husband wanted to open the door, but since they had an agreement he did not open the door, so his parents left. After a while the same day, wife’s parents came, wife and the husband looked at each other and even though they had an agreement, wife with tears on her eyes whispered, I can’t do this to my parents, and she opened the door. Husband did not say anything, years passed and they had 4 boys and the fifth child was a girl. The father, planned a very big party for the new born baby girl, and he invited everyone over. Later that night his wife asked him what was the reason for such a big celebration for this baby while we did not do it for the others! The Husband simply replied, because she is the one who will open the door for me!

You as an Individual

Just fell in love with the below writing by an unknown philosopher:

Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality. You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition. Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest Glory - your uniqueness, for momentary validation. The group that does not accept you as YOU is not Your world. There is a world for each one of you, where you shall reign as king /queen by just being yourself. Find that world... In fact, that world will find You. What water can do, gasoline cannot and what copper can, gold cannot. The fragility of the ant enables it to move and the rigidity of the tree enables it to stay rooted. Everything and everybody has been designed with a Proportion of uniqueness to serve a purpose that we can fulfill only by being our unique self.

French Compliations

After a long time, i read one book with rich usage of vocabulary and brilliantly crafted words and story line, very well woven with emotions and seduction. My belief that French are different and creative gets strengthened every time i spend my time with works in this sophisticated language. What a clever and innovative way of building a plot, amazing display of clairvoyance and of course all spicy ingredients.

 Literary treat in all its meaning!

Visuals vs Scribblings

What is good? Most of us would agree to visuals. But i am referring to reading in comparison with watching. Most of the ardent lovers would not deny that the charm that exists in reading a masterpiece, can never be taken over by watching a cinematographical version. And this is true in at least 90% of instances. There have been very few movies/documentaries which have done justice to the actual compilation. And off late when due to paucity of time to read, i attempted to watch the reel version of the French book “Dangeruse Liasions”, the feeling of not being just, pestered me. The book appeared elongated as i waited for the known events to unfold. And this is one mistake which all of us should avoid and try to close one completely before hopping to another. 

Peace with Self

Off late i complained to my mother, for a naive upbringing in comparison to the society. As i see manipulation and Usage of people around as pawns in a game, these questions frequently arise- that my parents have brought us up in a manner that we fail to understand the motives/advances of people around- which has made us averse to smart work, politics, camping and foul play, of being honest and working out to the best advantage of our organization and not ourselves.

But my mother’s question stumped me and gave me answers to all questions. “Do i sleep with peace and contentment, after a days work- with a feeling that I was fair and harmed none with my words and action? 

I am an HR Professional

None of us is averse to the treatment meted out to the HR professionals in the world. The comments on their being the cost centre and non value add to revenue, keep echoing everywhere. And most of the people fear/ criticize them  because they are the power centres. When most of the world laments about it being a thankless and a “Bakar” job, I am glad to have such people in my life, who consider our expertise in the best of its form and look forward to the inputs in their day to day life. People who consider our efforts worthwhile and even in the situation of not having worked directly, still accord great importance to our contribution- are an asset to me and help in make me feel special.

Networking? Not Working

Is networking important? In today’s world “Absolutely Yes”.

But what does it bring to us and what is the base- its all about collating a group of people, who MIGHT be of some benefit to you, if not today then at least with a hope of future. It’s about building a coterie of people, who might not be of your type, but can be useful, at some point of time, for your advances. Then it’s nothing but a Give and Take because everyone is built of the same mentality. So where does the feeling of renouncement and selflesslessness go- may be down the drain.

Guiding Light

I am discovering a new myself!

While this hasn’t been new to me but the recent and frequent occurrences, make me believe that this can be one new door of opportunities. Seeing people flocking to you for advice without even being pinched about the topic, is a good feeling. It increases self respect even with the thought that your conversation was useful to act as guiding light for someone’s important decision in life. This power is much more formidable than any other. While i might not be in a top notch position/ success ladder but the faith that people around show, can be such a morale booster, what i never fathomed. And specially when this is perfectly in line with my aspirations.


Why is culmination important? Why can’t things be left hanging in mid way, depending on personal likes or dislikes? Why do we have to answer other people about the choices we make willingly? Every person is different and has a different desire/multiple desires then why the need to surrender to whims and fancies of world? What if i am putting my fingers into multiple bowls and not digging all? May be its a way to understand, which path i need to take or maybe it is a way to shoo away boredom/melancholy associated with one work? And experimentation is important to see if you actually fit there.....

Start Early

World over “Early Birds” are profited, for them being able to take a risk, make a decision and support other’s decisions. The philosophy applies to not just today’s consumer market but also in terms of vocations/ activities to be taken up. While i am not mentioning / hinting at anything specific but it is important to start early particularly for some activities because growing up brings fear- not just of the task but also of the people. It also starts growing on people around you. As the age rises, stakes become higher, so become the expectations, desire to conform accompanied with fear of failure or being belittled. Why wait when you know that things are most likely to come up, why not do it now than waiting?

Experiential Learning

We all keep hearing of the aphorisms for “Learning from our experiences and those of others”- which holds true. Based on few recent events, i strongly feel that it is also important for each one of us to learn from what mistakes our parents did/ dint do. While i am not denying the circumstances under which some decisions were taken or considered appropriate- the relevance in later part of life is very important to miss. But how many parents openly accept/reveal the learnings in front of their kids? Many fear criticism, degradation of themselves in front of their offsprings and avoid such topics. But having born to my parents, i have surely learnt that such openness, makes kids more open and receiving and precocious, which is a boon later on...

Sunday 17 March 2013


How does it feel when you share your victory with someone else especially when the judge treats you below the other? Humiliating. Right?  When you know that for that the task that you did- you were the best but other’s contribution was considered more. How does it feel when you get to understand that someone matters more than you- Words were there just to melt you? This is called Life when your beliefs turn against you and clearly produce an effect that the choices you made and the people whom you chose- aren’t right. And all of us come across such scenarios in life whether it is at home, in friendships, offices or even with strangers.