Sunday 28 October 2012

Feels Great

It feels great to be able to make one of your dream come true. And here i am talking about my sole purpose of learning French- The language of elite and sophisticated and known for its rich literature. It was an exhilarating feeling when i completed my first book in French “Madame Bovary”. Even though the journey was taxing as the exposure and knowledge was limited- the happy feeling which seeped in after the culmination of the task is just so great. The struggle now is to continue the journey!!

Mean machines in the eyes of lean gals

This is what is feel when i see those mighty engines vrooming their way in the hustle bustle of daily life. Brio is very appealing to me for its toy like features specially the rear view which gives better landscape for the kids to enjoy. The fluidic Verna looks like a woman reaching the peak of her beauty with her chiselled features, clear cut lines. Chevrolet Cruze looks like a mighty beast with its fiery headlamps which look like a beast’s eyes. Nano is one car, which looks like a miniature object beautifying a hoarding. Yeti resembles a box created by kids during their block game. But it is BMW- X5 which draws most power, with its cleanly cut corners. Swift is colloquial to a fish because of its headlights, which are shaped like a fish. Innova and Ertiga, though in similar space boast of hippopotamus because of their flat and wide derrieres’. Beetle is a heart winner and takes me back to Disney land. But one car which continues to stay separate is Honda City- very well balanced. 

Don’t know what is it that i have lost, may be it’s me that i have lost

Something inside me has changed? And the change looks huge and eternal. In the race to conform, i feel like having lost my own identity. While the escape routes are abundant and directions to choose are plenty- there is something which wants to go back to times of utopia, when i was me- with  nothing more, nothing less. The girl who was known for 1 thing, can’t find if that was ever a part of her life in an entwined manner. Its difficult to come to terms with the new me and believe if things can take a turn to bring me back to my self.

Why are sex toys a taboo?

Even though our society is advancing towards liberalism of souls and gender, talking about sex is still a taboo. And discussing sex toys, even more. While all toys have a purpose to gratify just like Rattlers meet oral needs of infants, why is the discussion on sex toys always curbed? As if they have contagion. People are ashamed expressing their need for such toys, thinking that others might consider it impotency. Every one has different physical needs, so why the problem in expressing it and getting it gratified? Probably, that’s how the society is- keeping under wraps, the important part of our lives and driving factors.  

Bald Men

While baldness is considered tough, i am somehow drawn towards hot and sexy bold men. There is something so seductive about them, which mesmerizes me. Even though baldness is directly related to high testosterone levels and higher libido, it makes few men look so macho. Bald man matched with impeccable style is just so attractive because of sheer sex appeal. While this doesn’t apply to all men loosing hair- it is about those, who get rid of their scalp hair- to bring out the best in them and it needs guts for sure.