Girl- You made this revelation to me and when i thought
about it, you were right!!! Just like you have never been able to imagine me in
a “Bridal Avatar”, i have also not been able to envisage such picture
of my own self. Though i had never thought about it- even trying to think is
not creating a virtual image. While thinking about things and visualising them
is not difficult- this is one thing, which i can’t foresee. But why? While i am
not a traditional/plain girl dreaming about marriage, family, jewellery and other
girly stuff- not being able to fathom my own self is becoming difficult to
digest. Is marriage not the right proposition because of my liberty being at
stake or the complexity stops the visualisation? Don’tknow but i know for a
fact that you desperately want to see me in that “Roop”
I DO!!! excuse the pun :)
Time to write a sequel :)
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