Pampering our own self is a prevalent scenario these days. We often hear people saying- I gifted this to myself because i liked it. Rather than conveying it in this fashion it could be put across as I bought this for myself. Why i emphasize this is because the former sentence has hidden connotation of negativity. It shows that you are devoid of a loving relationship in life- who takes care of your needs. It sends a feeling of inadequacy and pain that you have to earn your own happiness. Though this is an era of independence and we claim that we earn what we want but the desire to be loved and taken care off never severs from you. Just a little change in the way we present our thoughts can take care of people making assumptions about us.
Friday, 17 February 2012
Science has made our life easy and various instruments have become indispensable parts of our life, though very discreetly. And this realisation comes to a non tech freak. Recent visit to a pathology made me aware of one big drawback- pointing and shooting without an instrument is difficult especially when the supply is limited. At this point of time i understood one big difference of genders. Science has come of an age where substitutes are innovated/developed easily- but there continue to be multiple things where mother nature continues to defeat us and make us feel tiny tots in front of her creations.
Have we been able to match up to the wonders of nature irrespective of the developments we keep citing?
Are we actually trying to compete or trying to live in communion by making an attempt to know each other better?
Don’t know but some things just can’t be recreated / substituted- which remains the threadbare fact!!!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Just a weird thought
I appear to be in a different sort of mood today and willing to write and post all weird stuff that i feel and believe. I was reading something, wherein they asked- what is the purpose of a male and a female underwear. I din't read through completely and tried to figure it out myself and felt they are used for the same purpose- protection of the sensitive areas. But when i went on to read further -the author’s comment made me smile. He said “Female’s underwear is used to hold things up and male’s underwear is used to hold things down”. What I figured out was that it was specifically about libido and one’s drive. Talking not of the physical terms but yes it definitely plays some role in keeping a check - acting as a barrier. Abrupt ending it may seem to be.....
Got my Eyes on You --------->>
Sometimes I wonder how capable are one’s own eyes!! Transcending from the forehead these 2 shiny pieces give life to one’s personality. Eyes are the ornaments that bejewel a personality. Eyes give meaning to the spoken as well as the unspoken. Just like any other living thing in this world- eyes are of various kinds- Big/Small, Shifting/Gazing/Piercing, Frog Type/Watery/Bulging/Squinting, Happy/Sad, Innocent/Cunning. All types with different stories to say.
Let me take the liberty via my own blog to be a little narcissistic (which i have used very minimally) and explore with you another chapter of my life. It’s about how different people in my life have read my eyes and understood the inexplicable.
I have been endowed with typical Scorpio eyes- Deep and Penetrating and as people say - they are extremely eloquent- you just need the right kind of Nazar to understand. I have always been told that my eyes have a story to tell and represent what’s in my heart. They say my eyes take them away into the world of peace and tranquillity, lost in which they can ponder and gather thoughts. It’s easy to get lost in them in spite of they being elephant kinds. The biggest and cheekiest comment came from one who told me “I like the way your eyes penetrate me” and mind you similar comments have not always come from Males- its the other equal half who have also made the comment. My eyes can pull your attention, take you away and let your imagination flow. They are like human xray slicing and dicing the other person- trying to ascertain what’s true. Also just like humans are different- my eyes act different at different times- My eyes appear like a full drunkard at midnight and here comes out another truth. About my pain and bereavement you can get news from my eyes and know what I generally keep at bay from the world.
For those of you, who are still making an attempt to know me- now you know what to follow.....
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Some changes are not worth it but do you actually have a choice?
Its all about choices in life and there are times when the only option is a Hobson’s choice. Its easy to say that life depends on choices you make but when it comes to actually making one- we are confronted with a Catch 22- “Dil jis cheez ko haan rehta hai, zehen usi ko kehta hai na”. Riskier choices are much more difficult specially when you yourself have been imposed immense faith upon. Exercising of choice is actually privilege of few- guided by their own fancies. For the rest its just following the herd. Choices never have been ample- just like opportunity they are few and unlimited. Clairvoyance is important but such a premise doesn’t always help you make the right choice. And with the fickle minds that we humans have, grass always appears greener on the other side without understanding that its just a direction change for the wind. Sometimes just plunging into the water without actually making a choice gives you better output than when we you continuously ponder. Because the more you think of available options- more is the associated cost benefit analysis, which does not leave many common grounds for comparison. But we still continue to look out for the right choices in life.
Death- The Insurmountable
A word which in itself is so powerful that it brings fear, feeling of pain and evokes umpteen emotions.
Death also pertains to one’s own character’s assassination. Transformation that one goes through in daily and mundane life, just to meet standards is also death. After all it is leaving one’s own individuality and embracing something which does not come naturally. What is the return in such cases is sheer pleasure to the other party and a sense of dissatisfaction to oneself. Death also comes when someone’s hard lived dreams are shattered. One goes through brutal pangs of death every moment when one tries to escape from the cage of Hatred or Fear. Death can also be understood as the state of ambition without focus- that can be termed as premature death of one in absence of clear cut way. The biggest form of death is actually not when we fall from someone’s eyes but from one’s own eyes for reasons whatsoever.
One word but connotations plenty and we have seen ourselves dying day by day in any which way......
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