Sometimes I wonder how capable are one’s own eyes!! Transcending from the forehead these 2 shiny pieces give life to one’s personality. Eyes are the ornaments that bejewel a personality. Eyes give meaning to the spoken as well as the unspoken. Just like any other living thing in this world- eyes are of various kinds- Big/Small, Shifting/Gazing/Piercing, Frog Type/Watery/Bulging/Squinting, Happy/Sad, Innocent/Cunning. All types with different stories to say.
Let me take the liberty via my own blog to be a little narcissistic (which i have used very minimally) and explore with you another chapter of my life. It’s about how different people in my life have read my eyes and understood the inexplicable.
I have been endowed with typical Scorpio eyes- Deep and Penetrating and as people say - they are extremely eloquent- you just need the right kind of Nazar to understand. I have always been told that my eyes have a story to tell and represent what’s in my heart. They say my eyes take them away into the world of peace and tranquillity, lost in which they can ponder and gather thoughts. It’s easy to get lost in them in spite of they being elephant kinds. The biggest and cheekiest comment came from one who told me “I like the way your eyes penetrate me” and mind you similar comments have not always come from Males- its the other equal half who have also made the comment. My eyes can pull your attention, take you away and let your imagination flow. They are like human xray slicing and dicing the other person- trying to ascertain what’s true. Also just like humans are different- my eyes act different at different times- My eyes appear like a full drunkard at midnight and here comes out another truth. About my pain and bereavement you can get news from my eyes and know what I generally keep at bay from the world.
For those of you, who are still making an attempt to know me- now you know what to follow.....
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